MP Vande Bharat Train Booking, Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur
MP Vande Bharat Train Booking 2023, Indore VB Train Online Booking, Bhopal Vande Bharat Train Platform Number, Jabalpur Vande Bharat RKMP Platform 1.
MP Vande Bharat train online booking and what is the charges of MP Vande Bharat train. Prime minister of India Narendra Modi has inaugurated many Vande Bharat Train. And PM Modi will soon launch Vande Bharat sleeper train in 2024.
Vande Bharat train was launched in Madhya Pradesh in a district name Jabalpur, Bhopal and Indore which are the route of Vande Bharat express train.
The speed of Vande Bharat train is quite good as compared to other Shatabdi or express train which from many years.
The speed of Vande Bharat train is quite good as compared to other Shatabdi or express train which from many years.
And you can book executive or AC chair car in Vande Bharat. For example if you want to book Jabalpur Vande Bharat train when it's RKMP rate is.
1. Narmada Puram: Rs 810 executive, ac chaircar Rs 425
1. Narmada Puram: Rs 810 executive, ac chaircar Rs 425
2. Itarsi: executive 1070, ac chaircarRs 650
3. Pipriya: Rs 1265 executive, ac chaircar Rs 745
4. Narsinghpur: Rs 1600 executive, ac chaircar 910
5. Jabalpur: Rs 1880 executive, ac chaircar Rs 1055.
Indore Vande Bharat train kiraya from Bhopal
6. Ujjain: Rs 1370nexecutive, ac chaircar Rs 745
7. Indore: Rs 1600nexecutive, ac chaircarRs 910.
You need to pay catering charges extra is something rupees 175 included.
Vande Bharat is said to be Indian version of bullet train but it's speed is notice bullet train of China or Japan.
But sooner aur later speed is increasing by making good tracks and traffic free zone. if you are living in Madhya Pradesh then you should book your Vande Bharat train by going to official website of IRCTC online train booking. Thanks for watching.
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