Cottingley Fairies Real 5th Photo, Price £70,000, Elsie, Frances, Pictures

Cottingley Fairies Real 5th Photo, Elsie and France Fairy Pictures, England Cottingley Fairy Photos Price £70,000, what are Top 5 Facts on Cottingley Fairies Real Story of England Conttingley Fairy, Pari.

Cottingley Fairies of England are the most watchable, readable stories in the world. There are total 5 photos of fairies people are talking every time when any movie related to fairy released.

You can watch movies that inspired from Conttingley Fairies is Fiery Tale a True Story, Documentary on Fairy Ring. Some books were also published on Conttingley Fairies tales available on

The Cottingley Fairies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 photographs taken by Elsie Wright (1901–1988) and Frances Griffiths (1907–1986). These are 2 cousins who lived in Cottingley, Bradford in England.

When 1st 1 fairy photographs was taken in July month and September month 1917 at that time both are teenagers Elsie was 16 years old and Frances was 9 year old.

Frances 5th Fairy Photo: While both cousins says pictures were fake but 5th photo was real. In lab test of all photos indicates all photos are real. Frances maintained that the fifth and final photograph was genuine.

Well what is my opinion: Than I will say all photos are real and it was sold at £70,000.
