YouTube Shorts Public Watch Hour Vs Views, YPP Thresholds, Feeds
YouTube Shorts Public Watch Hour Vs Views, YPP Thresholds, Feed What counts as a valid public Short view: Views of Shorts that you've set public that appear in the Shorts Feed.
Keep in mind that any public watch hours from Shorts views in the Shorts. Feed don't count towards the 4,000 public watch hours threshold. For info about Shorts view eligiblity with regards to how we calculate payments, see our YouTube Shorts monetization policies.Valid public watch hours: What counts as a valid public watch hour:
Watch hours gained from long-form videos you've set public Watch hours gained through the following types of video don't count towards YPP thresholds:
1.Private videos
2.Unlisted videos
3.Deleted videos
4.Ad campaigns
5.YouTube Shorts
6.Livestreams that are unlisted,=deleted, or not converted to VOD=(video on demand.
What counts towards the requirements?
Public watch hours: Includes valid watch hours from public videos. Shorts are not included.
Public Shorts views: Includes valid views from public Shorts in the Shorts Feed or on the Watch Page.
Eligibility thresholds are updated within 48 hours of activity.
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