Assistive Technology Example For Tech Communication, On Daily Basis

Assistive Technology Example For Communication, On Daily Basis in an interview of Google Facebook Microsoft IBM or upcoming Open AI Chatgpt interview panel may ask you one important question on Which assistive technologies do you use on a daily or near-daily basis?. So below are list of Assistive technologies for communication.

Amplified telephone 

Font resizing/larger 

Hearing aid 

Screen magnification or zoom 

Cochlear implant Screen reader (e.g. JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, ChromeVox) 

Cane, walker, guide animal or other walking aid Braille terminal Wheelchair 

Voice control/speech recognition software (e.g. Dragon, Siri, Google Home, Google Assistant.


Speech generating device 

Wearable tech (not prosthetics) Speech to text (i.e. Dragon Naturally Speaking, Google Doc Voice Typing, Windows Speech Recognition) 

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device 

High contrast mode or browser colour preferences 

Sign language interpreter 

Alternative keyboard [ Speech-to-speech transliterator 

Alternative mouse or stylus Visual aids

• Visual aids 

Keyboard-only navigation (no mouse usage) 

Writing on paper 

Switch access, head pointer or eye tracking Typing with phone, tablet or other device then showing it to others 


Caregiver (friend, relative, professional assistant/aid) 

Teletypewriter (TTY) or Telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD)
