Jeff Bezos Dolly Parton $100 Million Award 2022, Bezos Courage and Civility

Jeff Bezos Dolly Parton $100 Million Award 2022, Dolly Parton Courage and Civility Award 2023 Jeff Bezos Lauren Sanchez Charity Award 100 Million To Dolly Parton country singer and songwriter.

Dolly Parton and Jeff bezos. Dolly Parton gets $100 million award from the Amazon founder who have made a charity name by Bejos Courage and Civility Award 2022. So what does the award means and who is Dolly Parton. 
Jeff Bezos courage and civilty award given to those leaders who works on ground level and helps childrens, affected people who are economically not strong and running any foundation. Indirectly means if you do good thing then you will be awarded by Jeff bezos award for courage and civilty. 

 She gets total 100 million dollar she also says after getting prize money, she will try to put her money where she is working and she also pledge to do her best to do good thing with this money and she thanks to both Jeff bezos and Lauren Sanchez. 

 During pic time of Covid 19 pandemic dolly donated 1 million dollar to Vanderbilt University Medical Centers Vaccine Research Efforts. That was used to make Modernas Covid 19 Vaccine. 

 24 years ago in 1988 Dolly Parton established Dollywood foundation that helps bookless children across the world. Foundation they provide books to needy children. 

 In her birth state name Tennessee, Parton also created Dolly Parton Scholarship that helps student to get $15000 for their college education. Previous year Bezos awarded 100 million dollar to Van Jones and Jose Andres, CNN contributer. 

 The country legend of 76 year age is planning new rock album which is upcoming. She was also included in rock and roll hall of fame along with other impressive musicians.
