California University 48000 Graduate Workers Strike, Salary, Pay Demand List

California University 48000 Graduate Workers Strike, UC Teaching Assistant Salary Pay Demand List 2023, UAW Students Workers Monday Strike News, UAW 2810, UAW 2865 and SRU-UAW.

California University numbers say something where we will talk about issues faced by 48000 to something 50000 graduate workers of California University going to strike on 14th November that is Monday. Shubhu are these graduate workers then what is their demand and who are supporting these graduate workers. let's check it out. 

Nearly 48000 University Of California graduate students come workers from the category of teaching assistants, student researchers post doctoral scholars and graders have said that they will strike on Monday. There UC strike will shut down running classes campuses and laboratories. 

After 3 weeks California University student going to give their final exams that is in December. But we should also look to those people who are going to celebrate their Christmas time as well as deals of Black Friday but due to low compensation and many workers who make less than $24000 a year, they are struggling right now. 

48000 workers are currently negotiating through the help of unions name- UAW 2810, UAW 2865 and SRU-UAW. There are some other bargaining units which are working to give the final results of University Of California 48000 workers strike. 

 1.The demands are to increase compensation 

2.Child care reimbursements 3.Job security protections for contract workers 

4.Sustainable transist incentives 

5.Eliminating fees for international scholars 

6.Stronger disability accommodations 

7.Longer family leaves 

 Talking to one of researchers and teaching assistant at ucla said they are living out of dear car and they could not afford spending 85% or more of their income on rent. Many these are the problem faced by almost 95% people in the world during their healthy age of 30 to 40 years. 

 We also believe all these graduate workers pay should increase by University Of California revenue department. Because many peoples who support their family are working as a part time worker at 20 hours a week. 

 President of UAW 2865 Unions which represents 19000 + teaching assistant tutors and readers are calling for minimum annual salary of $54000 for all types of grade workers as well as $70000 salary for post doctor scholars. 

 Average monthly graduate student worker per ine University of California is $2000. But department should also see that if you rent and apartment in downtown los Angeles then it will cost you monthly of $1200.
