Japan Ocean Spiral Sea City 2035, Blue Garden, 5000 People, News

Japan Ocean Spiral Sea City Features, Shimizu Corporation’s Smart City in Sea, Blue Garden in Japan Sea City Project Costs, How Many People Live in Japan Sea City, Japan Sea City Making Company Name, Total Budge Costs to make Japan Sea City.

Japan Ocean City Completing Time and Date: 2035

If your country have a large number of professional who have studied technology as a subject, than they can change your way of life. Recently Saudi Arabian Prince going to change desert land into 75 mile skyscrapers, metro city, football cricket stadium, entertainment theatre etc. Same as it is Japan is also converting its seal land into Sea City.

Japan Ocean Spiral City Project: First of all you must know whose mind behind to make Japan Ocean Spiral Sea City. Name of the company who will make Ocean Spiral Smart City is Shimizu Corporation.

1.People, Organisation, Institute Involve in making Japan Smart Sea City is Tokyo University, Japanese Government, Power Ministry and Housing companies.

2. Ocean Spiral Sea City will be environment friendly

3. Total 5000 people can live.

4. 75 Multi storey building will have all facilities that person wants.

5. Total project costs: $2.5 billion

6. 5 kilometre smart city.

Blue Garden in Japan Sea City: It will be made below the sea with hotel, mall, restaurant etc.

Shimizu Corporation Smart City in Sea: Shimizu Corporation Dream Project to complete smart city in sea has been made in paper and total area covered by Japan Ocean Spiral Sea Smart City is 4 football ground.

Saudi Arabia Mirror Line Sideway Skyscraper: Recently Saudi Arabia has also approved 75 mile mirror skyscraper which will hold 50 million of human population.

Features Sea City of Japan will have all types of facilities which family wants. Ocean Spiral City will have house, business office, hotel, mall and transportation type features.

Farming, Electricity Supply in Japan Ocean Spiral Sea City: People can do latest technology farming in this smart city. Electricity will be depend on Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Nuclear Energy.
