France Parliamentary Presidential Election Result 2022 Macron, Majority Seats, News

France Parliamentary Presidential Election Result 2022 Frenche Presidential Election Result 2027 France Macron President Majority, France Presidential Election Final Result 2022 Who Will Win Emmanuel Macron Vs Le Pen Vs Mélenchos Parties Total Seats, Emmanuel Latest News.

French Election Result 2022: French President Emmanuel Macron’s coalition has lost its old majority in the parliament while Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is on leading to a 10-fold increase in seats, the first projections following the second round of the election show.

President Emmanuel Macron made history in the French legislative elections on Sunday.He became the first president of Country France in 10 years to fail to garner an absolute majority in parliament.

Emmanuel Macron Vaccinate Everything: During Election Sunday the most famous comment of French president is  “vaccinate everything that can be vaccinated.” Notice the use of the word “everything” instead of “everyone.”


Other Left:22

Ensemble: 245

Republicans: 64

National Rally : 89

Others: 26

France President Total Seats Prediction By NUPES: Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the NUPES, celebrates the 'total' collapse of President Emmanuel Macron's parliamentary majority following France's legislative elections. The united left is supposed to win more than 150 seats in the National Assembly.
