IOS 14.7 Released Date, Apple iPhone 14.6 Features List

IOS 14.7 Released Date is confirm and here you are watching Apple iPhone 14.6 Features List in your I Phone. The main reason people buys Apple Products because of its software. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website.

IOS 14.7 Software Update: Main question is why Apple has releasing IOS 14.7 Software update for all smartphone which previously gets 14.6. According to sources users are facing battery drainage in their iPhone. Some users have reported this bug or problem. However myself also getting low battery every time.

iPhone 14.6 Software Update List 2021: This update I personally taken from my device iPhone 11. Total of 506 update is applied to all apple devices which come under iPhone 14.6 Device List 2021. On 1st June in India all devices starts supporting iPhone New Update.

Podcasts: Subscription support for channels and individual shows.

AirTag and Find My Device: Lost Mode option to add an email address instead of a phone number for AirTag and Find My network accessories. AirTag will show the partially masked phone number of the owner when tapped with an NFC-capable device. 

Accessibility: Voice Control users can unlock their iPhone for the first time after a restart using only their voice.

This release also fixes the following issues: 

Unlock with Apple Watch may not work after using Lock iPhone on Apple Watch. Reminders may appear as blank lines. Call blocking extensions may not appear in Settings. 

Bluetooth devices could sometimes disconnect or send audio to a different device during an active call. iPhone may experience reduced performance during start-up.
