1000 Petal Lotus Flower Bloomed in Kerala For The First Time

1000 Petal Lotus Flower Bloomed in Kerala Kamal Ka Phool Kerala 1000 Petal Lotus Flower How To 1000 Petal Lotus Flower Buy Seeds of 1000 Petal Lotus Flower Colour of Lotus. This is the ultimate 1000 petal lotus also popular as the Zhinzun Qianban. Its origins date back to historic times and it was again discovered in 2009 by Chinese horticulturist Diake Tian. Now it (1000 Petal of Lotus) has bloomed for the first time in Kerala. No all you eager to know where to get seeds of 1000 petal lotus flower, who is the person responsible for growing 1000 petal lotus flower. Than all your question and answer mention below.

Kerala 1000 Petal Lotus Flower Seeds: Now all you know 1000 petal lotus (in Ek Hazar Pankhudi Wala Kamal). It bloomed on the terrace of lotus grower and hybridizer and Nature Lover Ganesh Kumar Ananda Krishnan. Both His Name and Flower match to his personality. he has been trying to make it bloom for 10 months and finally he got success and it budded on 21st June this Coronavirus year.

The Hindu

1000 Petal Lotus in Kerala: Over the next 15 days, it grew 14 cms. Suited for cooler climates it was a challenge to grow it in humid climate. Our suggestion to every plant lover is to grow atleast one rare plant in your home before its extinct. You can contribute your last work by making Nature as a friend. Nature has given you everything what you wants animal, fruits, plants, medicine. And what you gives. You should remember it.
The Hindu

1.In India, Lotus is India National Flower.
2. Another Ancient flower is Brahma Kamal (White Lotus) which bloomed in Himalayan Region.

3.May be in future people may called it Zhizun Qianban Lotus.
4.The lotus is the symbol of what is divine or immortal in humanity. In Hinduism lotus flower is very sacred and you may say in Diwali time, people buys lotus flower for preaching Hindu Goddess Lakshmi.

1000 Petal Lotus Flower News: You can purchase lotus flower from online sources. Various companies are selling seeds, plants and flower of 1000 lotus petal.


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