PM Modi 5 April to Use 9 Minutes Message To All India

PM Modi 5 April to Use 9 Minutes PM Modi 5 April Message To All India 9 pm & 9 Minutes what you have to do on 5th April 2020 PM Modi 5 April Light Candle Diya Latest News Update 2020. Prime Minister Modi requested all Indians to use 9 Minutes on 9 PM Night. He said on its 11 AND THE Half Minutes VIDEOS that," Today we are facing lockdown due to Corona virus spreading all over the world and we have to defeat it as soon as possible.
On 5th April Each and every person should use Diyas, Candle, Light, and Torch on the floor. And spread it on the sky. He also said to off light of your all rooms and use only 9 Minutes man made time between 9.00 to 9.09 minutes.

India Coronavirus patient crosses to 2300 something but it is not bad as we compared to USA, France, Italy, China etc. Many developing countries health minister believes we will see the worst cases in India but today you all see who have good people on social community.

Note: So What You have to do.
