Scholarship Sanctioned List 2018 MCM, GOKDOM, Post Matric

Scholarship Sanctioned List 2018 In this Posts we will inform you about Scholarship Sanctioned List, Scholarship approved in various according to SC ST OBC, General and Minority (MCM, GOKDOM, Post Matric) scholarship.

Merit cum Means Scholarship Sanctioned List 2017-18:- Merit-Cum-Means scholarship is granted to students from the minority (Muslim, Sikhs, Christian, Jain, Parsi and Buddhist) communities to pursue professional and technical courses. Scholarship Sanctioned List under the Central Sector Scheme of from the State/UT of Telangana, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Manipur, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Mizoram and Rajasthan.

Eligibility Criteria:- The objective of the Scheme is to provide financial assistance to the poor and meritorious students

Qualification:- The scholarship is to be awarded for students in a Government or private institution.

Courses:- Technical (BTECH MTECH etc) and professional (BCA MCA MBA) courses, General (BA BSC BCOM) Course at undergraduate and post graduate level.

Gokdom Scholarship Sanctioned List 2017:- Government of Karnataka has given approval to sanctioned minorities communities. And it is certify that Finance division has approved the expenditure during 3rd Quarter of financial year 2017-18. Gokdom Scholarship payment files for the year 2017-18 is given in below links, you can kindly check the Gokdom sanctioned list of Fresh, Renew and Rejected candidates List.

Note: Some Scholarship are also pending due to budget problem of Karnataka which will later transfer to another month or quarter

Post Matric Scholarship Sanctioned List 2018-19:- From National Scholarship Portal you can check by login with your password, roll number to track the Student Scholarship Sanctioned List. It may take minimum 3 month to review your application and after approval you can get information from your college that you don’t need to pay any fees for your current course.

UP Scholarship Sanctioned List 2018:- 5 Lakh 97 Thousand students in Uttar Pradesh Other Backward class community are waiting to download OBC Scholarship Sanctioned list from 1 year. Many Students meet in Chief Minister Office and told about meeting that CM  Adityanath Yogi has given UP Scholarship Budget soon passed with amounts.
