
Cabinet Secretariat Deputy Field Officer Recruitment 2019, 29 DFO CABSEC Jobs

Cabinet Secretariat Deputy Field Officer Recruitment 2019 Here is Cabinet Secretariat DFO Recruitment 2019, CABSEC Deputy Field Officer Recruitment 2019, CS Vacancy 2019. Mantrimandal Sachivalaya application is invited to fill 29 posts of Cabinet Secretariat DFO Recruitment 2019. This is central govt jobs favor for special people of India belongs North East Region. From 30 September Cabinet Secretariat Field Officer Recruitment announced and last date to fill CS DFO Recruitment is 12 November 2019.Deputed field officer jobs distributed language wise distribution of vacancies Garo, Burmese, Assamese, Nagamese, Bodo, Mara, Arakenese and Chin. Candidates who have applied for Cabinet Secretariat FO Recruitment, they need to pass in Preliminary and Mains Exam. Deputy field officer Recruitment is officer type posts and your first Cabinet Secretariat DFO salary is made Rs 44,900 per month. There are seven north eastern states of India. They want to fill up vacancies fill up for the post of C